Incidence,Morphometric identification and Histopathological changes of Eimeria species infecting domestic pigeons in Giza,Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


Departement of Parasitology,Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,Cairo University


Eimeria spp. is a common protozoan parasite 
that infects domestic pigeons (Columba livia domestica) 
globally. This study aimed to detect the incidence and 
morphometric identification of Eimeria spp. in domestic 
pigeons in the Giza governorate, Egypt. Also, the clinical 
symptoms and histopathological changes in 
experimentally infected squabs were studied. Eimeria
spp. was detected in 27.43% of the 350 intestinal 
samples collected from domestic pigeons. Seasonal 
incidence revealed that winter had the highest rate of 
infection (30.68%), while summer had the lowest one 
(15.66%). Five species of Eimeria were identified 
morphologically as Eimeria labbeana (18.75× 16.5 µm),
E. columbarum (19.5×18.5µm), E. columbae 
(16.25×14µm), E. columbinae (14.75×13.25µm) and E. 
chalcoptereae (22.5×21.5µm). This study showed that E. 
columbinae and E. chalcoptereae were morphologically 
identified for the first time in domestic pigeons in Egypt.
The experimentally infected squabs showed ruffled 
feathers, greenish-watery mucoid diarrhea, weakness 
and decrease in body weight. The prepatent period was 
6 days, while the patent period was 18 days. 
Histopathological changes of the small intestine's lining 
epithelium (duodenum, jejunum and ileum) of the 
experimentally infected squabs revealed severe diffuse 
enteritis with sloughing of lining epithelium, blood vessels 
congestion and severe leukocytic infiltration with different 
Eimeria developmental stages
